Tuesday, March 15

Inner Fitness - Shed and Gain

Everyman/ Woman aspires to be in a 'perfect' body...

They try to shed unwanted weight and try to gain some shape/muscles.

Our inner self demands such attention... in fact more than our outer self.

Here are some tips by my dear friend Paul as he writes to his buddies...

Things to shed for inner hygiene:

  1. Earthly Nature
  2. Sexual Immorality
  3. Impurity
  4. Lust
  5. Evil Desires
  6. Greed - which he equates to Idolatry
  7. Anger
  8. Rage
  9. Malice
  10. Slander
  11. Filthy Language
  12. Lies

and he suggests dressing up our rehabbed inner man with the following...

  1. Compassion
  2. Kindness
  3. Humility
  4. Gentleness
  5. Patience
  6. Forbearance
  7. Forgiveness
  8. Above all these... he recommends Love 
Directing our lives based on these tips can greatly improve our efficiency and productivity.

Kind regards.

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